Global Anti-Corruption Policy
Executive Summary
Tishman Speyer is firmly committed to preventing bribery, both in the United States and abroad. Tishman Speyer has in place a Global Anti-Corruption Policy (“Anti-Corruption Policy”) that requires Tishman Speyer employees to act in compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and all other applicable anti-corruption laws.
Tishman Speyer’s Anti-Corruption Policy:
- Confirms that Tishman Speyer is deeply committed to preventing bribery — whether direct or indirect and in the private or public sectors;
- Mandates anti-corruption training for all Tishman Speyer employees, including more extensive, targeted training to employees whose responsibilities carry inherent corruption risk;
- Explains how Tishman Speyer employees may report corruption-related issues;
- Requires the accurate maintenance of books and records;
- Prohibits employees from giving or receiving cash or cash equivalents;
- Establishes a set of procedures so that when anything of value is given to a party outside Tishman Speyer the giving is documented to show that the benefit is reasonable, customary, and proportionate to the underlying business purposes related to it;
- Sets forth pre-clearance thresholds for giving certain business hospitality, gifts, charitable contributions, sponsorships, political contributions, and referred candidates;
- Requires employees to report certain business hospitality and gifts received from parties outside Tishman Speyer;
- Prohibits facilitation payments; and
- Establishes a system of compliance controls used when hiring third parties that pose corruption risks to the firm.